Social media is an integral part of executive branding, thought leadership, and business marketing. To keep up with the demands of a fast-paced online world, many executives may consider turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for assistance with creating and managing their social media content. However, while AI offers several advantages, it also comes with significant drawbacks that must be carefully considered.  At Influential Executive, we have been testing and trying many AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Google’s Bard AI to find out how AI can assist with marketing tasks — and to uncover its limitations. Based on our findings, while AI is helpful for quickly generating factual information and content ideas (most of the time), it cannot capture the authentic human tone of an individual.  In this article, we share the benefits and limitations of using AI for executive...

One of the most common reasons why marketers haven’t been able to strategically position their company’s executive online is because the executive is often busy with other responsibilities. An executive social media presence has become an integral part of a company’s digital marketing strategy, so this roadblock can be a significant challenge to overcome. However, there are ways to launch an effective social media presence for executives that are short on time. Read our tips below based on our own experience working with busy exec clients!   1. Create Social Media Content in Batches One way to help relieve the burden on executives is to create social media content in larger batches. For example: Draft up multiple posts for them to review at one time, rather than sending out one post to review at a time. If developing videos is a part of your...

The COVID-19 pandemic forced marketers to pivot in ways they’ve never had to before. As social media became an increasingly important platform for consumers, marketers have had to think outside the box when it comes to delivering important brand messages. For many marketers, this meant tapping into a new digital marketing strategy: leveraging the company’s executives and positioning them on social media as thought leaders. Below, read about the three ways the pandemic changed executive social media — and why now, during the post-COVID era, having your company's executives on social media has never been more important to your digital marketing strategy.   Executives on social media build trust and the company’s image While social media had to contend with increased misinformation during the COVID pandemic, there’s no denying that many consumers flocked to these platforms as a way to stay updated. For many companies,...

It’s never been more important for organizations to launch an executive social media program, yet for every CEO that’s using social media effectively to drive toward company objectives, there are countless others who are resistant to being online. Marketers, you may be aware of the many strategic reasons why you want to position your company’s executive online, but what can you do to convince them that this effort will be worth it? Here are five reasons why many CEOs don’t want to be on social media — and how, as marketers, you can navigate these challenges to get them online!   Reason #1: Execs Don’t See the Point of Using Social Media One of the most common reasons why executives don’t want to use social media is because they don’t see the point of doing so. In many cases, these execs only have a surface-level...

In our previous article, we shared how executives in the healthcare industry can navigate industry regulations while still using social media effectively. In this article, we turn our attention to another industry with just as strict compliance rules: finance. Whether an executive is in the private equity space, banking, investments, or another finance-related sector, just like healthcare executives, finance executives must be careful about what they share online through social media. However, there are ways to effectively establish a social media presence to support company objectives. Keep reading to learn more about content that finance executives should stay away from, content ideas they can post, and how using social media in the highly-regulated financial industry is more accessible than you think.   Financial Compliance and Regulations Certain industries have regulatory bodies that oversee what type of information can or cannot be shared on social media...

While many businesses today are on social media, executives on social media can help their company reach key business objectives through their own strategic online presence. Marketers can use a variety of different platform tools in order to effectively promote their executives and position them in front of an even larger audience. Read our nine tips on how your company’s social media accounts can improve executive visibility.    How To Improve Executive Visibility On LinkedIn Many companies have established their presence on LinkedIn, but the same can be said for executives as well. Our findings show that out of the 352 Fortune 500 CEOs on social media, 97% of them have a LinkedIn account. Here’s how marketers can leverage their company’s LinkedIn content to improve executive visibility and positioning.   Reshare an executive’s post  Many social media sites — LinkedIn included — offer a variety of...

For executives in the healthcare industry, using social media can seem like a daunting task. After all, they must navigate different healthcare compliance and regulations. If they share content that shouldn’t be posted publicly, it could be costly — not just from a monetary standpoint, but it also impacts customers' and patients’ trust in the brand. While social media may feel like a burden and a risk, healthcare executives stand to benefit greatly from establishing an effective and strategic social media presence.  Keep reading to learn more about content that healthcare executives should stay away from, content ideas they can post, and how using social media in the highly-regulated healthcare industry is more accessible than you think.   Healthcare Compliance and Regulations Certain industries have regulatory bodies that govern what type of information can or cannot be shared on social media with the public. Because...