In this article, we will be analyzing executives in the retail industry who are using LinkedIn to inform customers about their respective brand’s initiatives. These executives are setting examples of how the online space can be used to reach audiences directly, share important industry updates, and position their brands to emotionally resonate with customers....

What Is Social Recruiting?    More job applicants than ever before are using online resources and social media in their job search. One study found that 79% of job seekers use social media to look for new opportunities. The majority of job searches these days are done online, so for businesses to effectively engage in social recruiting (also known as social hiring), a social presence is more important than ever before.  Social recruiting is when companies use social media to tap into this large group of online job seekers by sharing relevant content and appealing directly to potential talent. Social recruiting can include a variety of different processes, such as posting job ads on social media platforms or using social media to learn more about candidates.  An effective part of social recruiting is leveraging a brand’s internal resources in order to appeal to potential...

By now we know that influential executives garner higher overall engagements on social media than the brands they work for. On top of that, though, they can also be used to convey a company’s corporate social responsibility in a more authentic light. Since becoming the CEO of Walmart 5 years ago, Doug McMillon’s social profile has become a platform to promote Walmart’s acts of social good, such as eliminating abuses through the supply chain. On his Facebook and Instagram profiles especially, he is no stranger to group pictures and heartwarming captions. In the month of June, Walmart was all about creating a community space between associates, shareholders, and the public. McMillon leveraged his social presence by participating in branded hashtags and telling touching stories in order to promote his company’s social good and positive community. If you're interested, you can check...