25 Sep The CEO’s Role in a Company’s Marketing Funnel
This year, we saw a 15% increase in the number of Fortune 500 CEOs on social media compared to 2019. As more executives make the transition to platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, how many of them are posting with a purpose in mind and using a strategy that drives toward their business objectives? One way to incorporate a CEO's online presence in the brand's overall digital marketing strategy is to first understand where they fit in at each stage of the marketing funnel. Top-of-funnel marketing The marketing funnel traditionally begins with the awareness stage where consumers are first introduced to a brand’s product. One important aspect to keep in mind is that the CEO’s content may be the first touchpoint potential consumers have with the brand. Here is an example from Basecamp founder and CEO, Jason Fried. https://twitter.com/jasonfried/status/1294718565975592960 By sharing positive user feedback and...