Executives who are cultivating an online presence should approach social media strategically. This includes setting KPIs (key performance indicators) and paying attention to social media metrics in order to achieve optimal engagement and performance. To give us more insight on the topic, today we will be speaking with our digital marketing analyst, Zahid Kachwala, who will offer his expertise on KPIs and metrics for executives on LinkedIn. ...

When it comes to creating an effective social media presence for business leaders and executives, LinkedIn is a great place to start. Because the platform is best-positioned for professional networking, most executives will already have, or can easily build, a base network of personal and professional connections, creating a strong, credible foundation for ultimately attracting prospective talent, customers and investors. Like anything, though, a poorly managed social presence may be more detrimental than having no presence at all. In this post, we’ve laid out some basic best-practice guidelines to help you get started and make the most out of your executive social media presence with an optimized LinkedIn profile. "Like anything, a poorly managed social presence may be more detrimental than having no presence at all." Optimized LinkedIn Profile Let’s start with the cornerstone of your LinkedIn program, your optimized LinkedIn profile. Leveraging...

If you’re wondering whether your target audience is on social media, the short answer is: yes. Whether you’re seeking new customers, looking to foster relationships with talent or fishing for investors, your target audience is using social media to make decisions, and a thoughtful executive social presence can do wonders when it comes to building credibility around your brand. In fact, a BRANDfog survey found that 73% of respondents indicated that being engaged on social media makes CEOs more effective leaders by building trust and confidence. Additionally, 93% of respondents said that socially engaged CEOs are able to build better connections with customers, talent, and investors. The bottom line is, whether you’re looking to build out a social program for your company leaders or you’re an executive looking to bolster your own presence on behalf of your brand, communicating regularly...