Throughout her long career, Harriet Green has had extensive experience in the executive role. She’s the former chairman and CEO of IBM Asia Pacific and the former CEO of Thomas Cook Group.  Aside from her business endeavors, Green is also an activist promoting diversity and an inspirational advisor. She shows this side of her life on social media by creating an authentic and welcoming community across LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.  In this article, we look at her presence on LinkedIn and Instagram to analyze what makes her an influential advisor on social media.    Words of Wisdom on LinkedIn On LinkedIn, Harriet Green has over 61,000 followers and was named one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices. She shares a variety of topics including personal posts related to her interests, advice to help others achieve success, and newsletters written about her experiences. Sharing tips is an effective...

As an executive, being on social media has become an essential strategy for personal branding. Personal branding is beneficial for building trust with customers and improving your image. However, receiving engagement and followers can sometimes be difficult as social media trends evolve quickly. We explain four ways executives can grow their social media presence — which can sometimes even lead to them trending in the news. Keep reading for tips on how to increase your executive's engagement. ...

Chris Kempczinski has been an executive at Mcdonald's since 2015 and moved into the President and CEO position in 2019. He runs one of the largest and more successful fast food chains in the world — and he has an equally successful social media strategy. On social media, Kempczinski uses his platforms to connect with customers and promote his company. However, while his content is branded, he doesn’t come across as overly promotional or inauthentic. In this article, we analyze his Instagram and LinkedIn accounts and explain why Kempczinski is so effective at being a genuine brand ambassador.   An Approachable Brand Ambassador on Instagram  On Instagram, Kempczinski has over 7,450 followers. He mainly uses his Instagram to share stories featuring Mcdonald's employees from around the world. In the example below, Kempczinski’s caption shows how genuinely interested he is in meeting employees and hearing about...

The founder and CEO of Box Inc, Aaron Levie, is an innovative leader in the tech world — and online. On Twitter, Levie is a conversation starter and uses his platform to share his thoughts, opinions, and advice on software, technology, and crypto. He effectively uses his social media platform to authentically engage with his followers. Keep reading for our analysis of Levie’s online presence.    An Engaged Conversation Starter on Twitter On Twitter, Aaron Levie has a large audience with over 2.4 million followers. He has gained a large following by sharing his opinions, experiences, and even some jokes every now and then. Levie is a conversation starter and isn’t afraid to share his opinion and openly engage with other users. It's clear that he views this platform as a space to share his insights and interact with his followers and other...

Brian Chesky is the co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, an online marketplace where users can list or rent homes for travel purposes. On social media, Chesky has positioned himself as a compassionate and effective leader. He shares his business expertise, personal interests, and shows his support for his company.  Continue reading as we analyze Chesky’s Instagram and Twitter content to show how executives can create an effective social media presence by being business-oriented on Twitter and more casual on Instagram.    A Strong Leader on Twitter Chesky is very active on Twitter and this shows in the number of followers he has on this platform with over 481,000. On Twitter, he has positioned himself well as a thought leader in his industry by showcasing his leadership skills and sharing relevant company content. This type of positive first impression is extremely valuable and is what...