For executives on social media, do vanity metrics, such as post "likes," matter? The answer is yes and no. Whether it's a heart on a Twitter post, a reaction on a LinkedIn article, or a thumbs up on a YouTube video, the importance of "likes" on an executive's post depends on a number of variables. For any social media program, whether it's for a brand or an executive, I always place more emphasis on creating meaningful and relevant content, and tracking mid- to bottom-of-funnel metrics (e.g. traffic to site and leads generated) over time, ideally linking them back to various social media platforms and content pieces. Engagement metrics, such as post likes, don’t always translate directly to other key metrics. Reactions on a Facebook post can't tell us exactly how many people who engaged with the post ended up making a purchase. However, that’s...

Executives may be wondering if it’s worth it to have a personal social media presence if their brand already has one. In this article, we’ll discuss the various benefits executives will gain through a personal social media profile. To offer us some more insight on the topic, we’ll be speaking to our copywriter and social media coordinator Jackie Le, who specializes in developing organic social media strategies for executives and brands. ...

Social media is a powerful tool. When used correctly, it can help CEOs connect with their audience, build their personal brand, and help their company reach its business goals. However, social media is a public platform, and sometimes an executive's message may be misconstrued by the general public, or a spur of the moment Tweet might hurt their company. That being said, the benefits of having your company's leadership team on social media far outweigh the risks. To learn more, take a look at Managing the Risks of Executive Social Media Presence, an article written by our CEO, Elissa Liu. In this article, we look at three different topics that CEOs will want to be careful talking about on social media. We also look at examples of how social media posts have hurt brands in the past, and offer tips on how to...

With a degree in aerospace engineering and her previous work at NASA, Aisha Bowe took her passion for science and founded STEMBoard, a company that provides cost-effective engineering and IT services. By analyzing her Instagram and LinkedIn presence, it's clear that Bowe understands both platforms’ strengths and weaknesses and has successfully created content that is most effective on each one. Keep reading to learn more tips on how executives can use these platforms to build their own social media strategy.   Using a Structured Instagram Layout What makes Instagram different from other social media platforms is its heavy reliance on visual content, whether it's an image or a video. When browsing through a user's feed, you will see the images first, rather than the post's copy. Here is a look at Bowe's Instagram layout: What makes her online presence stand out from other executives...

The #StepUpToTheTable initiative asks social media users to support struggling restaurants by buying from them and spreading the word to support others in the industry. Executives should view hashtag challenges like this one as an avenue to improve their own social impact: taking part in it actively helps to give back to local communities, it raises widespread awareness by encouraging users to tag their own connections, and has the potential to make a positive social difference on a large-scale level. ...

In our recent series about the top retail executives you should be following on social media, we looked at ways they use online platforms to help build their personal brand while achieving their business objectives. Establishing a brand presence on social media is second nature to most digital marketers, but what about helping their company's executives establish their own profile? One of the first steps is understanding which social media platform would be the best fit for your executives. In this article, we look at some of the most popular social media platforms and what makes them stand out. By the end of this article, marketers should have a clearer picture of which social media platforms to position their executives on.  Before we get started, don't forget to download our free step-by-step guide on how to get your company's executives on social...

In this article, we will be analyzing executives in the retail industry who are using LinkedIn to inform customers about their respective brand’s initiatives. These executives are setting examples of how the online space can be used to reach audiences directly, share important industry updates, and position their brands to emotionally resonate with customers....